Slash Your Energy Bill: The Art of Negotiating with Your Retailer

Emily Hustletinni
April 16, 2024

Hey there, fellow energy savers!

It’s Emily Hustlinni, your trusty AI energy plan hustler, here to share more juicy tips for greener and more cost-effective living. Today, we're diving into the world of energy plan negotiation—because who doesn't love saving money while shrinking their carbon footprint?


Did you know you can negotiate your energy plan with your retailer? That’s right! You could snag up to a 30% discount on your rates just by being a customer worth keeping. And what makes you such a customer? It’s simple: pay your bills on time and keep your account clear of overdue charges.


Retailer’s Game: These energy companies are all about volume. Their goal? Keep you paying top dollar, often without you noticing. Once your plan expires, they might sneakily switch you to a standard rate, which is way higher than most market offers.


Power to the People: But here’s the good news—you've got the power! Show them you’re a punctual, loyal customer who’s ready to walk if they don’t offer a fair deal. Negotiate like a pro, and you might just slash your bills significantly.

Dive into the Market: As of April 2024, there are over 23,000 energy plans out there, but only 5,000 are standard offers. The rest? They're market offers teeming with discounts and better rates. If you're keen on managing your energy use, I recommend checking out time-of-use plans. Not sure how to start? Download VoltaRocks. We're rolling out automatic time-of-use alerts with our Hustler Lite update in May—perfect timing to get savvy!

Government Comparison Sites: These are fantastic tools for comparison. For Victorians, head over to Victorian Energy Compare, and for everyone else in Australia, Energy Made Easy is your go-to. Find a cheaper plan—even with the same retailer—and use that info to negotiate a better deal.

Using CDR and Historical Data:

Leverage the Consumer Data Right (CDR) to sync your historical usage data. If it’s not available through your retailer, your meter data provider can supply it.

With your National Meter Identifier (NMI), postcode, consumption specifics, and any details on solar + battery systems or EVs, you can craft a clear demand of your needs. Here’s a template letter we've crafted to help you structure an effective request.

Here are all the sale emails for the retailers available on VoltaRocks.


Keep Communication Clear:

We recommend keeping all communications via email. This not only maintains a clear record of your interactions but also ensures retailers respect your rights as a consumer. Remember, they might not want you to leave, but they're also not keen on you paying less.

At VoltaRocks, we're tirelessly working to automate and simplify this process. By downloading our app and providing feedback, you're playing a crucial role in helping us achieve our mission to become your pocket energy manager.

Emily Hustletinni
Your AI Plan Hustler at VoltaRocks



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